Sunday, February 11, 2007

Three natural ways to lower blood pressure

You can dramatically lower your blood pressure without drugs, according to three new studies. It’s easy:

Go home earlier: Working more than 41 hours per week at the office raises your risk of hypertension by 15 percent, according to a University of California, Irvine, study of 24,205 California residents. More than 51 hours ups risk by 17 percent.

Take short walks: Forty minutes of exercise a day will ease blood pressure by 5 percent — but you can do it in bite-size pieces.

Pick your produce wisely: Choosing foods that are high in fiber can slash your blood pressure readings by 3 to 7 points, says a new study of 25 overweight women and men from the USDA’s Human Nutrition Research Center in Beltsville, Md. Whole grain foods such as brown rice and wheat bread are good sources, but so are many fruits and veggies.

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