Sunday, February 4, 2007

Remember about your high blood pressure

If you living with high blood pressure, you must to remember 6 rules that you need to follow:
  1. Keep a track of your blood pressure: Living with high blood pressure is not a kid’s stuff. You need to monitor your blood pressure levels on a daily basis. Today, there are lots of devices available in the market that facilitate you to monitor your blood pressure on own. Get one such monitor at your home and monitor your blood pressure regularly. Also make sure that you maintain accurate records for the same.
  2. See your doctor regularly: Be in regular touch with your health care provider. If you are confused about your dosage, ask your doctor again. And if you notice any side effects, inform your doctor without delay.
  3. Keep enough medicine: Make sure you refill your hypertension medicines before you run out of them. Take your medicines on time and as directed.
  4. Cultivate a healthier lifestyle: Consult your doctor and ask him about what you should eat. You can also ask him about and then start the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet. DASH is a clinically proven diet recommended for reducing high blood pressure
  5. Eat a balanced diet: Hypertension requires the intake of a healthy diet. Take foods which are high in potassium and rich in fiber.
  6. Exercise daily: Make it a point to exercise for at least 30 minutes daily. This will go a long way in helping you control your blood pressure.
